In honor of Juneteenth Buchtel Wrestling staff is establishing an annual team tournament, The Akoben Team Duals. The tournament will be held Sat. June 18th, 2022, at Buchtel Community Learning Center. 1040 Copley Rd, Akron OH 44320. Please enter through Door 40 near the main entrance of the building (Copley Rd.). This event is set to showcase the resilience of the African culture and the strength of its people. Teams from across the state of Ohio will convene in Akron to wrestle for the coveted title of Akoben Team Champion. The winner of these duals will be awarded a team trophy and individual medals. All participants will receive t-shirts.

Doors will open at 8:00 am and wrestling will start at 11:00 am.
Weigh-ins will be from 9:00 am to 9:30 am, afterward a coaches and officials meeting. (weight classes will be per Ohio High School Athletic Association). There will be an assembly of teams at 10:00 am, followed by drum call at 10:30.
(*Graduates from the class of ‘2022’ are eligible for participation*)
Admission: Adults $5.00, Students $3.00
Concessions: Hot and cold food will be served all day!!
Team Entry fee is $150.00
MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Buchtel Griffin Wrestling
Eric Sharkey
330.937.2088 or email: birthright76@gmail.com
Robert Hubbard
(330.634.4913) or email Akronrob@gmail.com
Griffin Wrestling
Buchtel Community Learning Center
1040 Copley Rd, Akron, OH 44320